The One Most Crucial Relationship That Will Make Or Break Your Growth

8 min readJun 4, 2023
Image by Jackson David

The Importance Of Relationships

Relationships are one of the most important aspects of life and a large contributor to overall happiness and well-being.

Strong relationships are so powerful, they can reduce the chance of death, lower blood pressure and the chance of developing cardiovascular disease, and even improve the function of the immune system.

Safe to say they’re pretty damn important.

And chances are, you have lots of them: friends, family, pets, colleagues, partners, etc.

We are social creatures, therefore having solid relationships help us to survive.

But not only do relationships with others help us survive, they help us grow and develop. Immensely.

Yet there is one relationship out of all the ones you will ever have that will completely make or break you.

This relationship can either build you up and give you the confidence to rule the world or drive you into despair and anguish.

And it’s one I doubt you rarely pay any attention to:

Your Relationship With Yourself




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